The Big Four auditors - traduzione in olandese
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The Big Four auditors - traduzione in olandese

Big Five auditor; Big 4 accounting firm; Big 4 accountancy firm; Big Five auditors; Big Four audit; Big 8 (accountancy); Big 4 auditors; Big four auditors; Big Eight auditors; Big Four auditors; Fat Four; Big Five (audit firms); Big Six auditors; Big 4 accounting firms; Big Four (audit firms); Big Four accounting firm

Big Four         
Big four; Big 4; Big Four (sports); Big Four (sport); The Big Four (disambiguation); Big Four (companies); Big four (sport); Big Four (systems management); Big4; Big Four (disambiguation); The Big Four; Big four (railway); The big 4; Big four (disambiguation)
de Grote Vier (de vier grote mogendheden (van Verdrag van Versailles))
Big Apple         
  • The [[New York Mets]] [[Home Run Apple]] located in [[Citi Field]]
The Big Apple; Big apple; Big Schnitzel; The big apple
"grote appel", bijnaam voor de stad New-York
the four elements         
  • 🜁
  • [[Artus Wolffort]], ''The Four Elements'', before 1641
  • 🜃
  • 🜂
  • Seventeenth century alchemical emblem showing the four Classical elements in the corners of the image, alongside the tria prima on the central triangle
  • The four classical elements of [[Empedocles]] and [[Aristotle]] illustrated with a burning log. The log releases all four elements as it is destroyed.
  • Four classical elements
  • 🜄
Classical Element; Greek Element; Greek four elements; Four elements; Classical Elements; The Four Elements; Classical elements; Primary elements; Alchemical elements; The four elements; Four Elements; Four element theory; Essential element theories; Four classical elements; Greek elements; Four element; Panchamahabhuta; Pancha mahabhuta; Greek element; The Four Entities; Empedoclean elements; Classic element; Classic elements; Classic Element; Aristotelian element; 4 Elements; The World elements; Traditional element; Traditional elements; Empedoclean element; Water, earth, fire and air; Earth, air, fire, and water; Stoicheion
de vier basiselementen (vuur, wind, water en aarde)


Big Apple
People sometimes refer to the city of New York as the Big Apple. (INFORMAL)
The main attractions of the Big Apple are well documented.


Big Four accounting firms

The Big Four are the four largest professional services networks in the world, the global accounting networks Deloitte, Ernst & Young (EY), KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). The four are often grouped because they are comparable in size relative to the rest of the market, both in terms of revenue and workforce; they are considered equal in their ability to provide a wide scope of professional services to their clients; and, among those looking to start a career in professional services, particularly accounting, they are considered equally attractive networks to work in, because of the frequency with which these firms engage with Fortune 500 companies.

The Big Four all offer audit, assurance, taxation, management consulting, actuarial, corporate finance, and legal services to their clients. A significant majority of the audits of public companies, as well as many audits of private companies, are conducted by these four networks.

Until the late 20th century, the market for professional services was actually dominated by eight networks which were nicknamed the "Big Eight". The Big Eight consisted of Arthur Andersen, Arthur Young, Coopers & Lybrand, Deloitte Haskins and Sells, Ernst & Whinney, Peat Marwick Mitchell, Price Waterhouse, and Touche Ross.

The Big Eight gradually reduced due to mergers between these firms, as well as the 2002 collapse of Arthur Andersen, leaving four networks dominating the market at the turn of the 21st century. In the United Kingdom in 2011, it was reported that the Big Four account for the audits of 99% of the companies in the FTSE 100 Index, and 96% of the companies in the FTSE 250 Index, an index of the leading mid-cap listing companies. Such a high level of industry concentration has caused concern, and a desire among some in the investment community for the UK's Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) to consider breaking up the Big Four. In October 2018, the CMA announced it would launch a detailed study of the Big Four's dominance of the audit sector. In July 2020, the UK Financial Reporting Council told the Big Four that they must submit plans by October 2020 to separate their audit and consultancy operations by 2024.

Esempi dal corpus di testo per The Big Four auditors
1. It helped to concentrate minds on the threat lawsuits pose to the big four auditors, and by extension to the corporate reporting system, which could be paralysed if a leading firm were wiped out.